Personalized Pilates Sessions in Athens,GA.

Settled Nervous System + Strong Core

Hi! So glad you’re here. I believe in the power of embodied movement and am joyful about sharing it with others.

Teaching for over 10 years, I received my classical comprehensive training through Urban Body Studios led by Patricia Russell in Atlanta, GA. I am grateful to all practitioners of healthy movement and am honored to have studied directly under some true pilates greats: Brooke Siler, Dana Santi, Jay Grimes, and Kathi Ross-Nash.

Beyond my deep appreciation for the intelligence that is the pilates method, my personal practice includes inspiration from Iyengar yoga, movement gurus like Katy Bowman, the wisdom of energy medicine, the physical demand of birthing + raising kiddos and my sports background of gymnastics, softball and swimming.

I live in Athens with my husband, two kiddos and a pup. My heart is most happy wandering in the woods. Creating beauty is my soul’s expression. May you be well and free.

“Change happens through movement and movement heals.”

— Joseph Pilates