Four life lessons of Labor & Childbirth
Leading up to the birth my son, I knew change was a comin. Not just in the obvious ways of my swelling belly, the home projects and the idea that two become three.
Looking back I realize the change I felt was one of transformation. Pregnancy was a huge opportunity for me to look at my life and decide if how I had been living it was indeed the way I wanted to continue. Big shifts are like this: births, deaths, change, loss…it’s that space between things that open us, sometimes quite literally, to self reflection and inspired inquiry… its as if you step out of your life for a bit, look around and see things for what they actually are.
Pregnancy was this shift for me. It was a spiritual experience from the get-go, a direct portal into personal growth and a huge opportunity to embody my highest self. DREAMS. I had so many dreams… my intuition, my fears, my desires, my dark secrets, my ancestor’s stories, my son’s story… everybody was coming to share in this sacred time to be seen, evolve and grow.
And if those 9 months were the shift, labor and childbirth was stepping into embodiment. The ultimate opportunity for me to come home to myself and begin the letting go process of a life’s worth of pleasing, perfecting and avoiding.
Releasing control and fully surrendering into the vulnerable state of labor was the scariest and yet wisest thing I have ever done. The gifts of trusting myself in childbirth have reverberated across the domains of my life in ways I never could have imagined.
Here are the four life lessons I learned in labor and childbirth that I still carry with me to this day:
Stay in the present moment.
Growing a baby gives you plenty of chances to attach to fear, and play out a scenario that isn’t in present time. The 5,000 practice contractions that had been happening for MONTHS, the worry about what if my labor stalls or the anxiety of a vaginal tear. In the end, my ability to not attach and play the “what if” game ultimately allowed me to have my dream birth.
Let go of attachment, breath into THIS moment, create the next right thing.
Believe and move to your body’s wisdom.
This birthing affirmation was gold: “I trust my body’s wisdom to do what needs to be done to birth my baby.” During the wild ride of labor, I listened to my body. When I felt the urge to go for a walk, move my hips to the right not the left… I BELIEVED my intuition. I asked for that bolster and let the movement and my body tell me what was next. It was the first time in my life that I deeply trusted myself without question or analyzation and didn’t worry about what others might think about me. My job was to stay in my body, listen and respond.
I feel my body’s sensations. I listen. I follow my body’s intuition.
Clearly state and embody your intention.
After arriving at the hospital and the midwife indeed realizing that we were in active transition, it got real. Contractions were big, deep and meant business. This baby was coming out and I was fully open, so vulnerable…It was so intense. This was ground zero and all my old tactics of controlling and worrying about others before myself were right there ready to take over if I would let them. But instead I kept stating my deepest intention:
I choose joy, I choose my family, I choose this baby. I do NOT choose fear, I choose here and now.
Own your power.
We are powerful beyond measure. Limitless potential. I will forever remember my strength, my intuition and the gift of life pulsating through me. The gift of choice. I used my voice, I trusted my intuition, I let go of control and called forth the highest good for all…. and damn if I didn’t get the most empowering experience of my life.
I am powerful beyond measure. I am brave. I live my truth.
My deepest wish is for more of us to know and honor the divine and sacred power within us… be it in childbirth, in relationships, or in our own sweet existence.
Breath. Sink. Trust the deepest part of yourself. You are powerful beyond measure.
With love,
PS. Two more resources below!
I’m a huge advocate for natural childbirth and feel passionate about encouraging women to explore an unmedicated birth. Explore the books that lead me to approach birth confidently and strategically here.
Just for fun! A pregnancy slideshow. You’ll see everything from the vintage Coleman water jug that literally did not leave my side during my summer pregnancy to the day I realized that Taqueria’s cheese dip was in fact ok for pregnant people (how had I missed this fact for 8 months!! ) to the beautiful moment my son entered this world. Enjoy!